The Mystic Grimoire Triple Power Money Ritual

In the world we live in today there is an abundance of money available.

You may find yourself lacking money for you and your family needs.

However, money is there for you, in pockets of prosperity throughout the world.

The following ritual was given to me by the Mystic Grimoire Cosmic Beings.

This ritual has three times the power of traditional Mystic Grimoire rituals.

The ritual I provide you here is in beta testing form.

That means I am currently testing it.

The Mystic Grimoire Triple Power Money Ritual:

Bathe or shower and observe an hour of silence.

Set up your altar as described in the Mystic Grimoire book.

Place one white candle in the middle of the altar.

Place the elemental amulets around the candle.

Place the Thaumaturgic Triplet on your wall before you.

Place Talismans 8, 9, and 12 around your neck.

Enter your ritual room and perform the evocation.

Speak the words as follows and use the hand gestures

given in the book:

You are. This Universe. The Power. And the Glory.

Forever. So be it!

Surround yourself with Tetra Gram Mah Ton

as directed in the book.

Place your hands above you with your arms

forming a V shape and say:

Before me, Air energy. Behind me, Water energy.

On my right hand, Fire energy. And on my left hand, Earth energy.

For around me shine the Circles. And above me shines the Light of Power.

Drop your hands to your sides. Then, light the incense if you have some.

The ritual structure follows:

Speak the Arcane Admitting Passwords 1 time:

Abalim, Corael, Darquiel,

(Pronounced Ah Bah Limb, Coh Rah Ale, Dark Key Ale)

Speak your purpose 3 times:

My purpose is seeking your help.

And I want that great money may come to me,

and may find me, and may be given me,

and may be sent me,

and that I may win great money.

Knock 7 times.

Speak which planets you represent 1 time:

I represent the planets of Mercury and Jupiter,

Mars and Jupiter, and Sun and Jupiter.

Speak the names of the Cosmic Beings 1 time:

Admit me, Ataphiel, Camaysar, and Delukiel,

and do my bidding as I command.

(Pronounced Ah Tar Fee Ale, Car May Zar, and Day Luke Key Ale)

Knock 7 times

Speak what you wish to achieve in your own words:

I want that you help me. And I want that a lot of money

and more money and the most money possible may come to me,

and may find me, and may be given me, and may be sent me,

and that I may win a lot of money and more money

and the most money possible. And I shall use the money

that I receive and buy low and sell high and have and own…

(Be specific about why you want money and what you will use it for)

Chant the Avatar Mantras for about 5 minutes:

Me Sah Boo, Car Rah Car Sah, Do Mah Ree Ale,

Banish and dismiss the Cosmic Powers after chanting.

Remember to banish very well.

Put away your magical tools until next ritual working.

Forget about the magic you just performed.

Cooperate with the Cosmic Powers by doing something

in the physical world to fulfill your will.

Read more "The Mystic Grimoire Triple Power Money Ritual"

Changing Beliefs And Paradigm Shifting

Do God and the Devil

change places in an instant?

The late and great martial

artist Bruce Lee once wrote

that the Chinese believe

that they do just that.

I want to address your possible

beliefs and specifically fear

based thinking in magic

and magicians minds.

The thoughts and emotions

that you hold before casting

a spell or working magical ritual

are magnified by the very same

magic that you do. By a simple

shift in your thinking you may

jump outside the mental box

that you are in and that you

operate through and this may

change everything including

your magical outcome.

Why do so many beginners

fear magic and spirits?

It most likely comes from

fear of the unknown 

and the things that

go bump in the night.

However this need not

ever be the case.

Recognize your fears

and gradually face them

and over time they will

fade away. This is known

as systematic desensitization.

When I was young and they

carted me off to grade school

I feared several things.

The Boogy Man, The Devil 

with two horns, and having

nightmares. Over time I saw

that these things were transient

and without substance and

unless I gave them importance

and fed them my attention

then they had little to no

importance and eventually

they had none.

Read more "Changing Beliefs And Paradigm Shifting"