Changing Beliefs And Paradigm Shifting

Do God and the Devil

change places in an instant?

The late and great martial

artist Bruce Lee once wrote

that the Chinese believe

that they do just that.

I want to address your possible

beliefs and specifically fear

based thinking in magic

and magicians minds.

The thoughts and emotions

that you hold before casting

a spell or working magical ritual

are magnified by the very same

magic that you do. By a simple

shift in your thinking you may

jump outside the mental box

that you are in and that you

operate through and this may

change everything including

your magical outcome.

Why do so many beginners

fear magic and spirits?

It most likely comes from

fear of the unknown 

and the things that

go bump in the night.

However this need not

ever be the case.

Recognize your fears

and gradually face them

and over time they will

fade away. This is known

as systematic desensitization.

When I was young and they

carted me off to grade school

I feared several things.

The Boogy Man, The Devil 

with two horns, and having

nightmares. Over time I saw

that these things were transient

and without substance and

unless I gave them importance

and fed them my attention

then they had little to no

importance and eventually

they had none.

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